Halbro North West Leagues Providing grass roots rugby since 2002

Minutes of Committee Meeting - 11 June 2024

Minutes of the Halbro NW Leagues pre AGM Meeting held on the 11th June 2024

Present :-
Mr. Peter Rhodes (President), Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Ian Cosens, Greg King, Andy Thompson, Dr. Sara Shackleton, Chris Farmiloe, Craig Hine, Paul Riordan. Mr. Tommy Hughes….

Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes were presented and conclusion was - no matters to be discussed

Leagues and present position

John Powell ( Fixture Secretary) presented the current position regards the set up for the season, although comments were still being awaited from some Clubs regards their present situations.

The fulfilment rate across the whole of the Leagues structure was indeed a tremendous improvement on previous seasons. John P. outlined the %age figures for each League with all showing increases in games played.,

Some of the lower Leagues i.e. 5 West particularly showed a figure in the 90% plus.

John has spent many hours on producing the set ups and now will spend time producing our Fixtures now the Nationals are out in the public domain. A great thank you for John for all the work he has done and in fact is doing.

The Finals were discussed and it was felt both the host Clubs had provided us with a successful Finale to our season. Discussions took place regards their constitution for next season and Fred S. was to contact the two host Clubs in place for next season.
It was said that Cotton Traders would once again Sponsor the Competitions through Fran Cotton himself.

Greg K. outlined the current position and said that the position was favourable and the situation had recovered favourably after the issues concerning us over recent seasons. i.e. Covid

The Benevolent Fund was in a reasonably healthy position and a number of players had received support over the past season. Dr. Sara Shackleton was thanked for offering her advice regards the seriousness and possible recovery time for specific injuries. Thank you to her !!

A considerable saving was in place in Trophies after securing a new engraver. Note he has now sponsored a League and hopefully at some stage some of our Clubs might ask him for help.

Press We were pleased to here that Mark A.’s health was improving and hopefully he could well be on board again in the near future.


Ian C. joining us from France, where he is currently holidaying, was confident that all the Sponsors we have on board, and every League was now supported by a specific Sponsor, would be with us next season. Thank you Ian for taking the time out from your holiday. Bon Soir Monseur !!! Merci Beaucoup…..


Any Other Business

A number of Rules were up for discussion and perhaps these could be placed on the Web Site as a separate item in total but there for discussion at the upcoming AGM.

“I feel this would be better than placing them here as an item in the minutes !!”

In the Leagues organisation we have three places to fill. Peter Harrison is standing down as Secretary of the Leagues and leaving to Leagues needing cover for management. 3 North and 3 Central.

Chris Farmiloe a member of the Trafford MV Club was welcomed to the Committee, after offering his services in fact at the start of the season. Chris had joined us at the Dinner so he had had a fleeting introduction to a number of Committee members.

Chris would take over Peter Harrisons Leagues 3 North and 3 Central. Thank you Chris for your help here and Peter H. would be asked to send over his contact details for the two Leagues.

John P. had been operating 5 West after the unfortunate passing of Craig Ross and now for the upcoming season Craig Hine would take this on board. He will now manage 4 West and 5 West.

Peter H. standing down has caused a vacancy as Secretary of the Leagues. It was unanimous in asking Paul Riordan to take on the mantle of Secretary of the Leagues. Paul accepted and there was a conviction that he would be an ideal person to take over.

The positions outlined above would be placed before the membership at the AGM.

Fred S, would contact the two Clubs nominated to hold the Finals next season these being Macclesfield and New Brighton to ensure these as nominated would still be in a position to hold them.

In the event of there being no other business the Meeting closed at 8.20p.m. to re-convene on the night of the AGM at the Leigh Club on Tuesday the 2nd of July at 7.30 p.m.


Fred Swarbrick

Chairman of the Halbro North West Leagues