The new Halbro North West Leagues website has been developed by a team of people - CVW Web Design (CSS and framework code) and Double 6 (IBM® Domino® development) - to provide a simple to navigate, mobile friendly site which will display data from the RFU's Game Management System (GMS) utilising an Application Programming Interface (API) developed on behalf of the RFU by First Sports. The advantage of this approach is that fixtures and results are only entered once directly into GMS by the various League Secretaries. This data is then made available by the API for the League's server to collect on demand and display within the website. Most of the site is displayed dynamically from the API and from data, such as Team Contact information, held in the League's back end IBM® Domino® database. Content such as News and Regulations etc has been, and will be, input by the League themselves and is stored in the same database.
© August, 2018
Please read on to see message from PRIMO DRINKS concerning their sponsorship of ou CUP COMPETITIONS.... Read More
We are pleased to anounce that we have a new sponsor for our CUP COMPEITIONS.... Read More
There were two Rule Changes voted for at the AGM.... Read More