Halbro North West Leagues Providing grass roots rugby since 2002

Minutes of Committee Meeting - 19 March 2024



Minutes of the Committee Meeting

via Zoom 7pm Tuesday 19th Marc 2024

Committee Present:

Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Paul Riordan, Peter Harrison, Peter Rhodes, Craig Hine, Tommy Hughes, Ian Cousens, Andy Thompson, Greg King

Apologies : Mark Ashley and Sara Sackleton

Cup Finals : May 4th


Chester v Caldy                             

Preston GH v Manchester                             

Blackburn v Rossendale                             

Ruskin Park v Port Sunlight


Didsbury Toc H v Sale                             

Wirral v Glossop                             

Dukinfield v OswestryCommittee to attend finals –

Buxton FS, PR, PR, TH, AT     

Kendal  GK, IC, JMP, PH

Cotton Traders to be invited to Finals and Dinner as the main sponsor of the Cup Competition

JMP, FS and IC to visit both clubs week commencing 25th March.

Referees to come from Cumbria and Notts Lincs & Derby.

No Association or Manchester referees.

Trophies  -      Shield to have Cotton Traders name on - Trophies to stay as Barry Allen Memorial- Medals to have Cotton Traders

Sedgeley Park and Macclesfied have been docked 10pts for conceding their semi-finals,

Ashton U Lyne 2nds were aware of the 10 point deduction as they also conceded a semi final.

They were requesting that the 10 point penalty should be waved as they say this was due to a re-arrangement of a 1st XV fixture in the Isle of Man and a lot of club members wanted to go for the weekend. It transpired following a phone call during the meeting that the game in the Isle of Man was not a re-arrangement but a scheduled fixture - !0 point deduction upheld


10th May at Bowden RUFC. Paul Riordan to contact Rachel at Bowden to arrange a meeting to finalise everything

Guests to include Lancashire RFU President, Cheshire RFU President, Manchester and Merseyside Referees Society Presidents, Cotton Traders. IC has a list of the guests for the invitesAccommodation to be sortedAwards:

All Trophies have now been returned to Fred. They will need updating with any new sponsors. WMP, Adam Newton and Wayne Lord have not paid their sponsorship. FS to chase them up. FS to get trophies to engraver


The last date for any re-arranged games have now passed. The overall figure for fixtures showed around 80% of games completed

3N the lowest at 52% and 5E at 62% although both these are an improvement on last year.

11 teams left the leagues, 5 without playing any fixtures. 11 teams are on their final concede


The main account continues to show a healthy balance. The last payment was for the engraver which was considerably less than the previous one.

The Benevolent Fund stands at £9,278.95. A payment of £300 was made to Hemsley and one of £500 to Fleming


FS and JMP had a meeting with Aaron Howarth from the RFU. Although NOWIRUL was by far the best performing leagues in the country in relation to % of games played, they still insisted that our concede rules need to be more flexible

Registration of Players –

All players need to be registered with a club before the beginning of next season. It was agreed that it was the club’s responsibility to understand the new regulations especially around registration and insurance. The league has no current plans to introduce match team cards


We need to replace Craig Ross. FS has had a request from Chris Farmiloe of Trafford MV club to join the committee. This will need verifying at the AGM

Meeting ended at 9:10pm