Minutes of Committee Meeting - 6 June 2022

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on the 6th June 2022 by Zoom
Present :- Mr. Peter Rhodes (Leagues President.) Mr. Fred Swarbrick (Leagues Chairman). Mr. John Powell ( Leagues Fixture Secretary). Mr. Ian Cosens ( League Sec. 2 North, 2 South and Sponsorship Secretary). Mr. Craig Hine (League Secretary Division 4 North) Andy Thompson (League Secretary 3 West)
Mr. Paul Riordan ( League Secretary 4 East, 3 South, Zoom Control.)
Apologies :- Mr. Peter Harrison (Leagues Secretary, League Sec. 4 North. League Secretary 3 North). Mr Mark Ashley (Leagues Press Secretary). Dr. Sara Shackleton (Leagues Medical Advisor). Mr. Greg King ( Leagues Treasurer and League Secretary Division 5 East) Mr. Craig Ross (League Secretary 5 West ) (Absent illness)
Finance :- No report, but it was reported that expenses regards both the Finals Day (Trophy Preparation after two years without) and Dinner expenses were presenting a marked increase after the two year break.
Update on Dinner :- Generally the feedback from the Dinner showed once again that it was a remarkable success. Again aimed directly at our players who always come first in our Leagues Organisation. A night of enjoyment helped with the aid of the Bowdon Club and Rachael but also ian Cosens who had carried out a lot of preparatory work making the Dinner the success it was.. Our Master of Ceremonies Mark Ashley, again in fine form as he ran the proceedings. Particular congratulations to the Caldy Club as a whole but their presence in our Leagues winning the Premier Hartley Cup and The Premier League Championship, resulting in the Steve Ranson Team of the Season Award.
Our Fixtures Secretary John Powell received the Jon Daldry Memorial Workhorse Trophy as he guided us through a most difficult season with Covid issues still prevalent in the Leagues as a whole. (NEXT SEASON THE DINNER AT PRESTON GRASSHOPPERS).
Update on the Finals Day:- The hosts of the two Finals ( The Vale of Lune Club and the Sedgley Park Club) had clearly worked hard to produce terrific days for the Finals at each of their Clubs. The Committee offered their thanks to both Clubs for accepting the Finals and hopefully both venues resulted in a financial gain for them on the day. Once again the players were at the forefront of all their arrangements and deliberations. Ladies and Gentlemen the Leagues are all about our players !!
We will be asking for hosts of next years Finals as next season develops from September.
Set Ups and Fixture Preparation :- Our Fixtures Secretary John Powell has produced the set ups for next season and now after many conversations has managed to respond to any queries forwarded by our Clubs/Sides. The setup, as proposed now on the Web Site, although there could be minimal changes, as we move forward to setting our Fixtures, entirely dependent on the National Fixtures being set. (When will that be ??). John has had the help of Craig Ross in setting up our Leagues and both he and Leagues Sec. Peter Harrison will be involved in the Fixtures Preparation when the time appears.
Report on Zoom Meeting set by the RFU attended by John Powell and Fred Swarbrick :- The Meeting was initially called I think to try and find reasons to reduce the drift of players away from the game and to come up with ideas to reduce the number of games cancelled in our lower echelons, as the season proceeds. A follow up meeting to be held in July. We think we have issues in the North West but they are nowhere near the difficulties in other parts of the Country. We were able to outline our systems of combatting these issues, not always favourable but certainly help with this problem, as we moved into specific Groups to discuss possible lines to combat this problem.
The Zoom Meeting involved Representatives from all parts of the Country and clearly serious problems exist specifically at the levels we are accommodating in our organisation. We try to attend to these difficulties in our Rules as set, in fact at our scheduled AGM, each season.
AGM :- The AGM this season will be held at the Leigh Club on the 30th June. Motions to be discussed to be sent through to our Leagues Secretary by 21st June before the date of the Meeting.
Benevolent Fund :- As stated this is a unique fund in Rugby specifically aimed at the Levels at which we operate. The two avenues to raise Funds for this fund are The Finals where a collection takes place and the Presentation Dinner where a cash amount is added to the ticket. This year the Dinner collection will be presented to Ukraine support on the basis that Barclays Bank will double the money raised at this event.
In the season we have been able to offer some much need support to two lads who suffered serious leg breaks resulting in lost earnings and other needs where difficulties are presented in these instances. Both were greatly appreciated by the two lads involved, actually both still unable to work. !!
Any Other Business :- We have noted that the ADM Leagues at 1st XV levels have re-integrated into the National Leagues and maintained the control of these Leagues in a similar vein to their rules and organisation. Obviously Promotion will be possible at the levels they have entered. It was said due to some detailed work by our John Powell that our mileages for travel are now in line with the ADM and in some cases an improvement. John P. is still looking at mileage possibilities.
We have lost two 2nd XVs in the North Midlands to the RFU Leagues – Whitchurch 2s and Linley and Kidsgrove 1s – after they were opened up to lower XVs. The North West had a majority against allowing lower XVs to move into the Nationals. We will have a return of the Buxton Club from Notts. Lincs and Derbs into the Leagues again mileages have been checked by John P. They will play in 5 East.
Membership Fees were discussed and after two years of – without – dependent on increased costs generally we would revert to £50.00 per side as an entry fee to the Leagues.
The Meeting closed at 9.20p.m. Next Meeting 30th June (Live) at the Leigh Club – Time to be discussed..
Fred Swarbrick Leagues Chairman..