Minutes of Committee Meeting - 17 August 2021

Minutes of the AGM Committee of NORWIRUL
17th August 2021 @ 7:00pm – Held by Zoom
Present: - Committee Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Peter Rhodes, Greg King, Ian Cosens, Paul Riordan, Tommy Hughes, Andy Thompson, and Peter HarrisonApologies: Craig Ross, Sara Shackleton, Mark Ashley
Finance: No movement on accounts. GK had agreed to £800+vat for work on the website
Sponsorship: Only Div 5W and the cups don’t have a sponsor. Will start invoicing once the leagues are up and running. FS to contact Dan Rainford. Wayne Lord needs to send logo and link to website. Sale Sharks need to be taken off the website as they no longer support us. Tatton Brewery and Cotton Traders have now renewed their sponsorship.
Fixtures: Everything is up to date. Let JP know if you agree to any changes
Cup Finals: Bowden were doubled booked so finals will be at Vale of Lune and Sedgeley Park
COVID: A discussion took place with regards to the situation if a team had a number of players with COVID. ADM and Northern leagues are going to play it by ear. The RFU have issued regulations for a number of COVID scenarios. It was agreed that we should have a more formal set of protocols.
It was agreed that
• Games that are postponed because of COVID will not be counted as a concede but will not be replayed but will go to the pools panel – Pools panel not to meet until 1st November to be able to assess form and then monthly after that• Non affected players from a higher team who have a COVID postponement will be asked not to play for in a non-affected lower team
• Encourage players to be double jabbed
• JP & FS to pull together a policy and send out to rest of the committee for comment and then place on the website by start of season
Leagues Management: Contacts need to ensure they are up to date, set up e-mails, text numbers etc, at the same time keep in contact with the teams to see how they are doing
Code of Conduct – Only new clubs need to sign one. Use last seasons for the other clubs
Re-Read the rules and make sure you are au-fait with them in case of query
Postponements – Only on agreement with the opposition and there is an appropriate date (not a cup weekend) although there are only a few free weekends. Only allow 1 postponement per team and must be arranged before Wednesday and can only be for the lowest team in the club
Global Law Trials: 50 – 22 kick and drop out under the posts – See videos
Meeting closed at 20:36