Minutes of Committee Meeting -15th June 2021

Minutes of the AGM Committee of NORWIRUL
15th June 2021 @ 7:00pm – Held by Zoom
Present: - Committee Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Peter Rhodes, Greg King, Ian Cosens, Paul Riordan, Craig Hine, Tommy Hughes, Andy Thompson, Craig Ross, Sara Shackleton, Mark Asley and Peter Harrison
Andy Thompson introduced Peter Millar from Metlife who do player injury insurance. Peter went on to explain the different policies and some indicative costs but these were subject to the amount of cover and protection available. There were:-
Income Protection
Mortgage protection
After Peter left the meeting there was a discussion on what had been presented and it was agreed that the league should only recommend going with Metlife and as Sponsors (Divs 2S and 3S) they would be given the same privileges as other sponsors i.e. Logo on website and link to their website. It was noted that selling of insurance is totally regulated so any advertising has to be true and accurate.
This discussion raised the issue of the League’s and Committee’s responsibilities and whether Person and Professional liability insurance should be taken out. GK to look into this just to cover us
Fixtures: The fixtures were now confirmed as those sent out by JP and were now on the website. To date no teams or clubs have raised any concerns although they had until the 1st of August to request any changes to JP. Reminder to league managers to contact teams and encourage them to update the website with team contacts including mobile number and if possible e-mail address
Cups: JP showed a set up for 6 cup competitions – All agreed. Draws are to be made around the 2nd August. MA suggested we promote the cup competitions through the media. Finals on the 7th May 2022 at Vale of Lune and Bowden
Finance: There had been a payment of £1,481 for the website. A discussion took place around whether to have an interest bearing account but it was agreed that due to low interest rates it is not something to do at this time
Sponsorship: Metlife are now covering Divisions 2S and 3S. FS to speak to Wayne Lord, Tatton Brewery and Cotton Traders. CR to chase for a sponsor for 5W. There were no sponsors for the cup. Can have 2 if needed. If we are going to promote the cups through the media it will be additional advertising for the sponsors
AGM: Leave at present – Perhaps a live event at the beginning of the season (COVID rules permitting)
AOB: MA asked if there were any Halbro success stories to promote how good the leagues are for a Press release. Suggestions- Aspull, Kniutsford, Holmes Chapel Carrington