Minutes - Committee Meeting 29 August 2018

Minutes of Committee meeting held at Tyldesley RUFC on 29th. August 2018
Committee Present. Fred. Swarbrick; Reg. Robinson; John Powell; Peter Rhodes; Jon Daldry; Ian Cosens; Craig Hine; Steven Branch; Tommy Hughes (Lancashire); Paul Whiston.
Apologies. Sara Shackleton; Greg King; Andy Thompson.
Meeting Opened 17.00hrs.
Chairman’s Report Fred Swarbrick opened the meeting saying that tis was a special meeting primarily to introduce the committee members to the new NOWIRUL web site and how it would impact on league secretaries and the inputting of results etc. He looked forward to the coming season and thanked John Powell and others for all their hard work in having all fixtures ready in good time. He regretted the absence of Greg King who was in hospital undergoing a health procedure and wished him well on behalf of all involved in our leagues.
Minutes of last meeting. Minutes of the last meeting were presented and approval was proposed by Reg. Robinson and seconded by Fred Swarbrick.
Finance. In the absence of Greg King up to date accounts were presentd by Fred Swarbrick. These were broadly in line with the position at the end of last season but with small expenses left over from last season having been paid but the addition of all teams having paid league fees for nthe coming season.
Website. John Powell presented to committee members the new NOWIRUL website which will replace the previous site on September 1st. This website has been designed to be compatible with the RFU website. It will now only be necessary to enter results once on a Saturday instead of twice as at present. This will be done on the RFU site which will then update our site at certain times. Currently the plan is for updates to happen twice on a Saturday evening and once on a Sunday afternoon. Bonus points for a loss of 7 points or fewer will be calculated automatically. With the exception of the Premier League there are currently no plans to introduce bonus points for 4 tries scored in a match. It is hoped nthat this new site will prove to simple for teams and individual players to navigate and understand.
Cups and Finals Days. Finals venues are already decided and announced for 2019 so it was agreed that clubs will be invited to apply for the 2020 finals during December.
Later :- Greg our Treasurer is progressing well !!
A.O.B. None.
Meeting closed 20.35