Halbro North West Leagues Providing grass roots rugby since 2002

Code of Conduct

All Clubs competing in the North West Leagues are assumed to accept the terms of the Code of Conduct. New Clubs should complete  a Registration form and sign up to the League's agreed Code of Conduct which is as follows:

  1. The Club accepts responsibility for the behaviour of all its players, coaches and supporters.

  2. The Club will accept responsibility to ensure that any Official at any level of game whether an appointed Official or not does not receive abuse from ANY member of their coaching staff, players or supporters.

  3. During any game that it becomes apparent that there is ANY kind of unsporting behaviour taking place mainly directed towards the Official a Club Official should take immediate steps to stop the unsporting behaviour.

  4. In the case of all Red Card incidents the Club must undertake to immediately inform the County Disciplinary Secretary. All referees below Society level, including Clubs home referees, should report such incidents to John Powell (details on website).
  1. If a game is abandoned for any reason it should be reported to the appropriate League Secretary indicating time and reason for abandonment.

  2. The Club must have gained the Constituent Body’s permission to be admitted to the League. Only applies to new clubs wishing to enter the leagues.


Latest News



Please read on to see message from PRIMO DRINKS concerning their sponsorship of ou CUP COMPETITIONS.... Read More


New CUP Sponsors

We are pleased to anounce that we have a new sponsor for our CUP COMPEITIONS.... Read More


Rule Changes

There were two Rule Changes voted for at the AGM.... Read More