
North West Leagues (NOWIRUL) Constitution
- Aims of the Organisation
The Organisation shall consist of Membership of qualifying Rugby Union Clubs in the North West and exist for the purpose of playing and promoting the playing of Rugby Union, according to the laws of the Game as laid down by the R.F.U. and I.R.B. and outside of the Regulations and organisation of the R.F.U. English Clubs Championship.
- Name
The Organisation shall be named the North West Leagues. This name may be associated with, in operation, such Commercial Organisations who may from time to time enter into Promotional and Sponsorship arrangements with this Organisation.
- Membership
a. Membership shall be by application from Rugby Union Clubs who are in Membership of The Rugby Football Union and the appropriate Constituent Body. Such application is to be accompanied by the formal consent of the Constitutional Body. It shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee whether or not to allow a Club membership.
b. Applications for Membership shall be through the Secretary of the Organisation and subject to such joining fee and Subscription as may be deemed appropriate from time to time.
c. Only bone fide Members of participating Clubs may participate on behalf of a Club at any time.
d. All Clubs are required to have mandatory minimum Insurance requirements as laid down by the R.F.U.
e. The Management Committee shall not be deemed responsible in any way for injuries or events which arise in any individual Match played in accordance with the laid down Regulations and the laws of the Game.
- Organisation & Administration
a. The Operation of the Organisation shall consist of the playing of Rugby Union in a Competitive environment of an Organisation of Leagues as determined by the elected Management Committee for each Season.
b. Each League to be administered by an appointed Secretary responsible for that League. The Secretary shall have power to make decisions from time to time affecting the operation of his own League only after consultation with the Chairman and Leagues Secretary.
c. Rules and procedures may be changed as necessary from time to time by the Management Committee who shall govern the weekly operation of the Leagues.
d. These Rules are published on the website and updated prior to the start of each Season.
e. Each League shall consist of a number of teams determined as appropriate but normally envisaged as being not more than 14. This number may be changed for each League as appropriate from time to time.
- Fixture Schedules
a. These shall be published for each League prior to the commencement of the Season and advised to all Clubs as binding upon them subject to changes subsequently approved by the Management Committee.
b. Failure to honour fixtures (and not necessarily applicable to one season, historical inconsistencies will be taken into account,) by any Club, will be dealt with in accordance with the league and Cup rules and may result in a decision by the Management Committee to exclude a Club from continued participation that season. Any Club so excluded shall be allowed to re-apply for re-entry the following season at a level determined by the Committee.
- Management
a. This shall be affected by a Management Committee elected annually at a properly convened General Meeting to which Members shall be entitled to be present and vote.
1. A President
2. A Chairman
- 3. A Fixtures Secretary
4. A League Secretary
5. A Treasurer
6. Each Secretary of relevant League
7. A Representative from each of the Lancashire and Cheshire Constitutional Bodies
b. The Management Committee shall have powers to co-opt on to the committee at any time, with or without voting rights, any further Members as might be deemed necessary.
c. The Management Committee shall meet from time to time as necessary as determined by the Chairman and at venue mutually convenient for those attending.
d. The Management Committee will each have a vote at the AGM
- Annual General Meeting
a. Shall be called by the Management Committee and held as soon as practicable after the end of each playing Season. All Clubs shall have 28 days’ Notice of such a Meeting.
b. This Meeting shall consider reports of the Season past, Elect Officers for the ensuing Season, determine conditions and fees for Membership.
c. It shall also consider any changes necessary to operating Rules & Regulations which may be properly proposed and seconded by the Membership.
d. Any such proposals must be received by the League Secretary 21 days before the AGM. All proposals to be seconded by a separate Club.
e. One representative from each team taking part in the leagues will be allowed to vote and a decision shall be by a straight majority of those present. No proxy voting shall be permitted.
- Accounts
a. A Bank Account shall be maintained by the Treasurer in the name of the Organisation.
b. A Statement of Account shall be rendered to the Committee at each Committee Meeting and an Annual Statement presented to the Membership at the Annual General Meeting.
- Powers of the Management Committee
a. The Management Committee shall have authority to make decisions at any time on matters which are not covered by either this constitution or the Rules.
b. A Club shall have the right of Appeal against any such decision upon payment of an appropriate Fee, as laid down from time to time, to cover the costs of such a hearing.
- Benevolent Fund
A Fund will be set up to raise money that would be used to give financial assistance to any player seriously injured whilst playing in the North West Leagues. The amount of financial assistance will be assessed on the need of the player’s family. An account will be held separate to the League’s main account and will be reported to the Committee at each Committee meeting and to the members at the AGM. If the Fund is wound up for any reason all monies held in its accounts shall be transferred to the RFU Injured Players Foundation or a charity with similar objects on a cy pres basis
- Dissolution Clause
If the North West Leagues (NOWIRUL) ceases operating the monies in the Account will be distributed to its member clubs. Amounts allocated will depend on the number of teams in membership at the time of the Dissolution and will be pro rata to the number of teams fielded by each member club.
Last modified 24th May 2014
R Robinson
Leagues Secretary