Minutes - Commitee Meeting 13 June 2018

Minutes of Committee meeting held at Aldwinians RUFC on 13th. June 2018
Committee Present. Fred. Swarbrick; Reg. Robinson; John Powell; Peter Rhodes; Jon Daldry; Greg King; Ian Cosens; Andy Thompson; Craig Hine; Steven Branch; Tommy Hughes (Lancashire)
Apologies. Paul Whiston; Sara Shackleton.
Meeting Opened 17.35hrs.
Chairman’s Report
Fred Swarbrick opened the meeting saying that he intended to spend little time on formal items as he wished the committee to spend time discussing the various proposals to be considered at the A.G.M. which would directly follow this meeting. Briefly both finals were a success held at Burnley RUFC and Widnes RUFC. Next years finals are already awarded to Oldham RUFC and to Bedians RUFC.
Also highly successful was the Presentation Dinner where 191 persons sat down for a fine "rugby" evening. A problem has been identified in that there is little time between the end of the season and the dinner to sell tickets and finalize numbers. Dinner in 2019 to be at Preston Grasshoppers.
Treasurers Report
Greg King produced a balance sheet and accounts for presentation at the A.G.M. which will be held later the same evening. Briefly the position is healthy but the operating profit this year has dropped dramatically from previous years. It is deemed prudent to keep a reasonable surplus as certain high cost items are expected next year.
Fixture Secretaries Report
This season has been one of the most difficult to date due to both weather conditions and concedes. It is therefore proposed to make minor adjustments to league formats for next season. How these will work is somewhat dependent upon decisions made at the following A.G.M.. Concedes this season have been higher than in previous seasons but still run at less than 10% which is considered good.
There are 21 applications for teams to join (or re-join) our league system for next season but the format is still to be decided. Due to the poor weather experienced during recent seasons it is probable that in league 5 any postponed games will be decided by "pools panel" unless teams re-arrange a game independently, in which case the result will stand. Pools panel results will not be decided until the second half of the season at which time some idea of form and strength will be known.
1 Proposed by Caldy, seconded by Fylde and Sedgley Park.
- Max 20 players in match day squad
- Lower teams in club should not be punished if higher team in same club does not play.
- Teams should not be removed from league after 3 concedes. Another sanction should be introduced (ie points reduction)
The committee beleives that the rules in these areas are adequate.
2 Proposed by Barry Allen (Broughton Park) seconded by John Powell (Preston Grasshoppers)
- Teams losing by less than 7 points shall receive a bonus point.
The committee is prepared to endorse this change as the proposed new web site can do this automatically.
3 Proposed by Steven Branch (Macclesfield), seconded by Mike Somers (Congleton)
- Reduction in league fixtures to 18/20 in leeague 4 and 5, partly acheived by later start to season.
- Cup entry not compulsory. Hopefully reduction in league fixtures will encourage teamd to enter cups voluntarily.
- Cup concedes should not count in league.
The committee is prepared to endorse a small reduction in league fixtures and a later start to season. It would still like all teams to participate in cups out of respect to our sponsors.
4 Proposed by Cecil van Onselen (Chester) seconded by Ian Taylor (Macclesfield) and Dominic MacKenzie (Waterloo).
- "Man Off" law should apply in Premier league as too many game go to uncontested scrums.
- Points deducted to a team should not automatically go to opposition.
Committee happy to listen to arguments from the floor.
5 Proposed by Chris Hughes (Caldy) seconded by Cecil van Onselen.
- Postponed games not to be re-scheduled for next available Saturday but at convenience of teams concerned.
- Certain Saturdays to be ring fence as rest weel-ends to allow teams to plan week-ens away etc.
Committee feels a) is unworkable. b) Xmas and Easter already ring fenced, may add 1 or 2 more to co-incide with important international matches.
6 Proposed by Ged Hall (Sandbach) seconded by Mike Woolacott (Moore)
- Start season later to allow for holidays/cricket etc.
Dealt with elsewhere.
7 Proposed by Tyldesley, seconded by Wigan.
- Scrap all entry fees and bonds.
Treasurer to explain to meeting cost of running leagues and reasons for fees.
8 Proposed by Littleborough seconded by Aldwinians.
- Do away with concedes, no team to be excluded.
Committee feels chaos would ensue and leagues would be dis-respected.
9 Proposed by Aldwinians seconded by Wigan
- Cumbria teams should play in Cumbria Shield leagues.
Committee believed leagues should be as inclusive as possible.
10 Proposed by Aldwinians seconded by Littleborough.
- Lower leagues to start later in season.
- Action needs taking to stop "team loading"
a) dealt with elsewhere, b) constant problem, rely on integrity of clubs.
11 Proposed by Wigan seconded by Littleborough
- Cup entry should be optional
Dealt with elsewhere,
12 Proposed by Greg King (Committee) seconded by Reg. Robinson (Committee)
- League winners and runners up would be required to purchase a minimum of 5 tickets for the Presentation Dinner.
Some committee members felt that this was too much of an imposition and unlikely to be passed at a vote.
13-18 Proposed by John Powell (Committee) seconded by Fred Swarbrick (Committee)
13 Rule 4
- Rule 4, Add "Teams using more than allowed number of replacements in a cup match shall be deemed to have lost the tie.
- Rule 4, Change, 1) Only 3 replacements at all levels. 2) Lowest team in club may negotiate with opponents greater number of replacements before play commences.
14 Rule 9(a)
Add, If a team gets a walk over due to a concede the non offending team shall receive a bonus point on top of the 4 points already received.
In the event of a draw both teams receive a bonus point as within 7 points.
Losing bonus point to apply in all leagues.
15 Rule 16
- A team conceding a cup match shall not have a concede added to their league record, instead 2 league points shall be deducted.
16 Proposal withdrawn.
17 Rule 16 When looking at head to head results.
- If one of the teams has concede a head to head game threy shall be placed in the lower position.
- If one of the 2 head to head games has been subject to a poold panel decision the Chairman will toss a coin to determine league position.
- If 3 games have been played only the first 2 to count.
- If three or more teams are involved a mini league will be constructed using principles above.
18 Rule 11. Add. Trial for season 2018/9 Division 5 only.
Pools panel results will apply for all games postponed due to weather. No re-arrangements.
Requests to postpone for reasons pother than weather must be agreed by both teams and a suitable date found to play.
League games only will be played to end of March with cup games thereafter.
Committee endorses these proposals but will allow a free vote.
19 Proposed by Dave Kelly (Heaton Moor) no seconder
In leagues 4 and 5 if a team uses more than the allowed number of replacements without prior agreement 2 points shall be deducted.
Committee free vote if seconder can be found.
Meeting closed 19:25.