Halbro North West Leagues Providing grass roots rugby since 2002

Minutes - AGM 2016

Minutes of A.G.M. meeting held at Tyldesley RUFC on 16th June 2016


Committee Present
Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Greg King, Paul Whiston, Ian Cosens, Andy Thompson, Tommy Hughes

Club Reps
15 Clubs were represented by 27 representatives (details available on request)


Peter Rhodes, Reg Robinson, John Daldry, Sara Shackleton

David Clarke (Wigan)


Meeting opened at: 19h45 

2015 Minutes

The minutes for last year’s AGM were presented and passed as a true and accurate record

Prop: Neil Hawkley, Sec: Clive Ennis

Chairman's Report

Chairman, Fred Swarbrick, welcomed everyone to the 13th AGM of the North West Leagues and reflected on another successful season for the North West Intermediate Leagues. He expressed his personal thanks to the Committee for their efforts during the season and expressed particular words of thanks to both Ian Cosens, for his help and support with the Finals days and the Dinner and to Reg Robinson for his sterling work in the organisation of another very successful Dinner.  He also highlighted the problem of unfulfilled games during the last season, the World Cup and the extreme weather not helping, and compared the success rate of the league to others within the RFU framework: Midlands Leagues 35% cancellations, Zoo London League 50% with the North West at 9%. Fred thanked John Powell for his efforts in attaining this figure and the success of the ‘Pools Panel’ implemented at the end of the season. He accepted that the leagues are not without their own problems and encouraged both clubs and players to air their views properly to the committee as improvements are more likely to be attained through this channel rather than around the bar in your local club. Fred also explained that a limited number of Cumbrian sides were rejoining the leagues with every effort made to place only one Cumbrian side in each affected league, with this in mind he called upon the clubs to support this by honouring their one Cumbrian away trip in the coming season. He recognised the concerns regarding the current level of concedes and the permitted allowances as well as the conditions regarding postponements, asking that these be discussed properly later in the meeting when the proposed submitted rule changes would be considered and voted upon.

Secretary's Report

The Secretary, Paul Whiston, thanked both the Committee and those present for their support over the last season. He acknowledged that in taking over from Reg he had ‘big boots to fill’ but had found the clubs and contacts to be very supportive during the last year. Paul stated that he would be sending a note to all clubs regarding the club contacts recorded on the website in order to spring clean the extensive list currently in place and requested that all present inform their respective club officials of this.

Treasurer's Report 

Greg King presented the accounts in a very easy to understand manner once again showing a surplus from last year in both the main account and the benevolent fund. He explained that due to the timing of the AGM there were there some outstanding accruals but overall these would have little effect on the overall standing of the Leagues finances. The Benevolent Fund continues to remain in a strong position with 2 claims against it last season. Greg was pleased to announce that club subscriptions would remain as they are for the 2016/17 season.

Fixtures Secretary Report 

John Powell reported that his second season as Fixture Secretary had been severely complicated due to the impact of the Rugby World Cup and the extreme weather conditions. The league experienced ??? concedes and  ??? postponements during the season. With 29 teams leaving the league during the year, including the 3 first teams of Old Bedians, Christleton & Acton Nomads all joining the National League structure, and the subsequent 22 applications to join for next season we will have 181 teams across the leagues for the 2016/17 season. John extended his thanks to all the clubs fixture secretaries for their co-operation during the difficult last month of the season.

Election of Officers

Neil Hawkley proposed that all current Committee members be re-elected en-bloc.

Seconded by Clive Ennis and carried unanimously by those present.

Motions as Received 

The following Rule amendments were considered and carried:

1. Amendment to Rule 15

Rule 15:
Any side unable to fulfil a fixture for any reason other than the weather forfeits the game, except under exceptional circumstances and agreed by the Rules committee. Exceptional requests must be submitted to the Leagues Fixtures Secretary at least one Calendar month in advance.

Prop: Fred Swarbrick, Sec: John Powell – Carried Unanimously

2. Alteration to Rule 16

Rule 16:
League position shall be determined by 

(1) League points awarded  

Should this be equal,

(2) Team with least concedes takes senior position.

Should this be equal,

(3) Head to head results. At this point –Points For and Against to be taken into consideration.

Should this be equal.

(4) Toss of a coin.

Prop: Fred Swarbrick, Sec: John Powell – Carried Unanimously

3. Amendment to Rule 4

Rule 4:
a. In the Premier, Division 1, Divisions 2N & 2S, Divisions 3N & 3S. A maximum of 3 NOMINATED replacements will be allowed in any match.
In Divisions 4 & 5 an open number of replacements can be agreed by both captains and referee before the commencement of the game. If agreement cannot be agreed a maximum of 5 NOMINATED replacements will apply. The above will apply regardless of the number of players starting the game. 

b. Rolling Subs to be allowed in all Leagues. An unlimited number of changes will be allowed. Teams using more than allowed number of replacements will have two points deducted.

c. If a game goes uncontested for any reason the opposition do NOT need to remove a player.

d. Where the lowest team in a club is in Division 3 or above, they are allowed to negotiate with their opponents to nominate more replacements than the THREE allowed. An agreement must be made before the game commences or even earlier.

Prop: Fred Swarbrick, Sec: John Powell – Carried Unanimously

4. Amendment to Rule 26

Rule 26:
Confirmation of fixtures should be made as per RFU competitions with the Away side confirming the game and KO time. It is suggested that times be as follows. 3.00pm Sept/Oct/Mar/Apr,  2.15pm Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb. 

By agreement between the teams KO times can vary from those suggested

Prop: Fred Swarbrick, Sec: John Powell – Carried Unanimously


5.  Alteration to Rule 11

Rule 11:
All fixtures will be decided by the League Committee. All games to be rearranged if the grounds are unfit. The Leagues FIXTURES Secretary will decide the date of the rearranged fixture. This will usually be the first available Saturday. In the case of a league game date being changed to accommodate postponed games, the two fixtures secretaries will be informed and given an opportunity to express any concerns. Once agreed any failure to play the game will result in a concede against the offending team.

****In exceptional years where many postponed games are caused by weather conditions, the Leagues Committee will discuss various options to allow the fixtures to be settled.

Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously

6. Amendment to Rule 19

Rule 19:  

a) In the Premier and Division 1, any team which concedes Three (3) games in the course of a season will be expelled from the league and their records expunged. In all other Divisions, any team that concedes Four (4) games in the course of a season will be expelled immediately and their records expunged. Any team, down to and including Division 3, conceding a game in April will have Two (2) concedes added to its total.

b) If a club’s higher team is expelled all their teams below that team will have to leave the Leagues as well 

c) When a team’s records are expunged any conceded games against that team will be expunged as well

d) In the Cup Competitions any team conceding a match will have that game added to their number conceded in the league. Any Cup game concedes will remain on record even when a team is expelled during the season.

In addition, any team excluded from the Leagues may have to provide evidence that they will be able to reform this team to be allowed to apply for re-entry the following season.

Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously

7. Alteration to Rule 10

Rule 10: Cup Fixtures
a) NORWIRUL to play Cup matches on dates reserved for the purpose. The schedule will be published on the website. 

b) In the event of inclement weather or a ground unfit to play THE HOST CLUB SHOULD EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF PLAYING THE GAME AT THE AWAY VENUE or on a neutral ground on the nominated date. If this is not possible the Leagues Fixtures Secretary will nominate the date for rearranging the game 

c) Any match unable to be played on the scheduled date should be communicated to the North West Leagues Secretary. Reasons will be discussed and a decision made once the facts are known 

Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously

8. Alteration to Rule 11

Rule 11. Kick off times

a) Normal KO times will be played as per the time of the season for any Cup Ties. A change of KO time is acceptable as long as this is mutually agreed between the two Clubs concerned. If there is a difference of opinion then an appeal to the Rules Committee should be made. Normally, except in extreme cases this would mean a decision to play the game at the normal KO time, in line with the first sentence 

b)     In the event of both Captains not agreeing to the condition of the ground the final decision will be made by the referee. 

Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously

RULE 19 becomes Rule 18 and there will not be a Rule 19
Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously


9. Amendment to Rule 16

Rule 16.    

a)     Any team conceding a match will have that game added to the number conceded in the league. If any team is expelled during the season the Cup concede will remain on record. 

b)      Any team failing to fulfil a fixture in either the semi-final or final shall be excluded from the league in the season of the failure and the following season and thereafter will be required to make a formal application to be readmitted to the league appropriate to its standing

Prop: John Powell, Sec: Fred Swarbrick – Carried Unanimously


Meeting closed 21h40 hrs.

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